'My name is Sebit John Thiria and am 11 years
old. I
live with my aunty Mrs. Abuk in Hai Langachot area in Pibor. Both my mother and
father were killed in the 2017 conflict in Boma County and my aunty brought me
here to
Pibor to live with her. In August this year things I almost joined an armed
group due to
helplessness since I felt I needed to revenge on people who killed my parents.
'I want to thank CIDO for being so kind and caring for me throughout my hard
time and
for finally bringing peace between me and my aunty, I am happy to be back home.
I will
continue to do what CIDO staff have told me, play my roles as a responsible
child at
home and respect other people. I will continue to attend to the Child friendly
space so
that I can learn more about life skills. Thanks a lot CIDO for your good
"My name is Nyakuar Koang . I am 21 years old
and a mother of three kids. My husband was killed in 2016 during the conflict. I am
delighted, CIDO capacitated me with bakery skills at the women and Girl friendly
I learnt the skills fast enough . The knowledge I gained has enabled me to generate
income by my own. I am now a proud owner of a bakery which has a profit of 9000
daily . The Biggest lesson I have learned is don't underprice your products, don't
discourage when it takes a while to see customers and keep pushing ever on the days
feels like you are going nowhere.''