
Project Details


Combating Food Insecurity .

CIDO is currently working in collaboration with OXFAM with support from NORAD to combat food insecurity affecting communities living in Integrated Food security Phase classification (IPC) 4&5 under emergency and catastrophe levels. Using climate- smart technology ,CIDO is able to provide seeds and tools for farmers to scale up farm production and supplement other areas like fish farming and cattle -keeping. CIDO uses farmer field schools based on the needs and market assessments to demonstrate various farming processes in a participatory manner. In Nyirol and Akobo counties ,CIDO has established 4 Farmer field schools. Over 3800 households have benefited from cash based interventions to boost their livelihoods in 2023. Efforts are place on capacity building of farmers to embrace modern farming methods and sustain their livelihoods through disaster-risk mitigation activities .CIDO has registered a total of 28,000 beneficiaries of agricultural inputs ,102,200 livestock vaccinated and 32, 400 Animals treated since 2020.

Our Current Partners. Image-Givest

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