
Project Details


Women participation and Economic Empowerment .

South Sudanese women participation is affected by gender inequality due to women’s greater vulnerability to poverty; distinctive social obligations and responsibilities; as well as exposure to sexual and gender-based violence. As a women-led organization, CIDO works with grassroot formal and informal women to amplify voices on gender and the need for gender-inclusive planning and implementation of gender sensitive policies. CIDO is at the forefront of advocacy activities that enhance women participation in the Revitalized peace agreement and inclusion of women in decision making processes ahead of the 2024 General Elections. In addition CIDO continue to provide financial and technical support to female entrepreneurs at county level to promote viable income generating activities that can be replicated further at the boma levels. Women in agriculture sector are organized in 7 groups and benefit from various farm inputs and seeds . Female youth are provided with skill-based trainings and are provided with start-up kits to create self-employment.

Our Current Partners. Image-Givest

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